The Medicine Room has been offering handcrafted organic plant medicines and skincare products, naturopathic clinics, and wellness workshops since 1999.

What we do

We are Herbal, a natural skin care and herbal medicine company that believes in the power of simplicity and purity. We use only the finest ingredients from nature to create products that nourish your body, without any harmful chemicals or toxins. Our goal is to enhance your health and beauty with our herbal solutions.

Our skincare products  and herbal teas are formulated with your wellness in mind.
Whether you’re pampering your skin or sipping on a brew, we want to provide you with the best quality herbs available.
This is why our herbs are organic, fair trade and locally sourced wherever possible.


We believe that education equals empowerment.
Our mission is to help you gain a deeper understanding into your health and wellness, allowing you to make informed decisions about what’s right for your body.
Our workshops and books help you develop your knowledge of the many ways food and herbs can promote wellness in your everyday life. 


Connection to community is a cornerstone of health and wellness.
We believe you shouldn’t be disadvantaged if you choose naturopathic and herbal medicine as your primary healthcare model. 
We have been offering free consultations since 1999.
Our free clinics support our community by providing naturopathic medicine consultations across several accessible platforms.
We also hold community long table gatherings where you can connect with others, learn about food as medicine, and enjoy a delicious meal.

Who we are

From Dominique 
Four decades of herbal medicine and naturopathy expertise drive my mission: Making Wellness accessible to everyone. I create gentle, natural products that celebrate nature’s beauty—one bottle at a time. 
Dominique's Background. 
Dominique LivKamal, ND is an award-winning naturopath, herbalist, and wellness advocate. She’s passionate about empowering you on your wellness journey.
She holds a Masters degree in Public health ( Health Promotion) Bachelor Health Science ( Complementary Medicine ) is a qualified Naturopath , herbalist and nutritionist. 
Dom also has a diploma in Journalism, is a qualified Kundalini yoga teacher and Zen Thai Shiatsu Therapist and yoga teacher. 
Dominique is founder and naturopath at Medicine Room. Dom has developed the herbal manufacturing processes for herbal extractions and has been offering free community clinics to her clients since 2004.
Dom develops, formulates and offers you quality herbal formulas to meet your health and wellness objectives. All of the herbs used here are specifically chosen for their proven effectiveness and energetics. We invite you to connect through one of  our platforms so we can help you achieve your health goals! 
Dominique is a member of: 
Naturopathic Herbalist Association Australia ( Fellow) FNHAA, 
We hope you enjoy being a part of our thriving Medicine Room community!